Online Worship for 29 August

Although legal restrictions that have impacted on our in-church worship are slowly lifting, we aim to continue to offer online worship, albeit in a slightly slimmed down version in order to make this sustainable. This week the online service is led by the Revd Dr Tony Rich.

To follow the service just click on the arrow below. The words follow beneath the link

Teach me my God and King,
In all things thee to see;
And what I do in anything
To do it as for thee.

A man that looks on glass,
On it may stay his eye;
Or, if he pleaseth, through it pass,
And then the heav’n espy.

All may of thee partake;
Nothing can be so mean
Which, with this tincture, “For thy sake”,
Will not grow bright and clean.

A servant with this clause
Makes drudgery divine;
Who sweeps a room, as for thy laws,
Makes that and the action fine.

This is the famous stone
That turneth all to gold;
For that which God doth touch and own
Cannot for less be told.

This is the day that the Lord has made.
We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Let us pray

Collect for the 13th Sunday after Trinity
Almighty God,
who called your Church to bear witness
that you were in Christ reconciling the world to yourself:
help us to proclaim the good news of your love,
that all who hear it may be drawn to you;
through him who was lifted up on the cross,
and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen

Hear the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Mark.
Glory to you, O Lord.

The Gospel reading from Mark 7: 1-8, 14, 15
by Sue McIntosh

This is the Gospel of the Lord.
Praise to you, O Christ.

by the Revd Dr Tony Rich

Let us pray with confidence as our Saviour has taught us:

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come; thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
for ever and ever. Amen.


O praise ye the Lord! Praise him in the height;
Rejoice in his word, ye angels of light;
Ye heavens adore him by whom ye were made
And worship before him, in brightness arrayed.

O praise ye the Lord! Praise him upon earth,
In tuneful accord, all you of new birth;
Praise him who has brought you his grace from above,
Praise him who has taught you to sing of his love.

O praise ye the Lord! All things that give sound;
Each jubilant chord, re-echo around;
Loud organs his glory forth tell in deep tone,
And sweet harp, the story of what he has done.

O praise ye the Lord! Thanksgiving and song
To him be outpoured all ages along:
For love in creation, for heaven restored,
For grace of salvation, O praise ye the Lord!