Online Worship for Pentecost, 28 May

This Sunday, 28 May, there are services of Holy Communion at 9.30am at St Bartholomew, Burstow, at 10am at St Mary the Virgin, Horne and at 11am at St John the Baptist, Outwood. And as always, there is an online service here, too, which this week is led by the Revd Nicholas Calver

To follow today’s online service just click on the arrow here and find the words below.

Jesus is Lord! Creation’s voice proclaims it,
For by his pow’r each tree and flow’r was planned and made.
Jesus is Lord! The universe declares it;
Sun, moon and stars in heaven cry: Jesus is Lord!

Jesus is Lord! Jesus is Lord!
Praise Him with alleluias, for Jesus is Lord!

Jesus is Lord! Yet from his throne eternal
In flesh he came to die in pain on Calv’ry’s tree.
Jesus is Lord! From him all life proceeding,
Yet gave his life a ransom thus setting us free.

Jesus is Lord! Jesus is Lord!
Praise Him with alleluias, for Jesus is Lord!

Jesus is Lord! O’er sin the mighty conqu’ror,
From death he rose and all his foes shall own his name.
Jesus is Lord! God sends his Holy Spirit
To show by works of power that Jesus is Lord.

Jesus is Lord! Jesus is Lord!
Praise Him with alleluias, for Jesus is Lord!

David J Mansell © 1982 Authentic Publishing. Administered by CopyCare, P O Box 77, Hailsham, BN27 3EF
Used by permission. CCLI: 845257

Alleluia! Christ is risen.

He is risen indeed. Alleluia!

Let us pray:

The Collect for the Sunday of Pentecost

God, who as at this time
taught the hearts of your faithful people
by sending to them the light of your Holy Spirit:
grant us by the same Spirit
to have a right judgement in all things
and evermore to rejoice in his holy comfort;
through the merits of Christ Jesus our Saviour,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen

The readings
By David Spruce and Alex Haynes

The first reading is Acts 2: 1-21

This is the word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

Hear the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to John.
Glory to you, O Lord.

The Gospel reading is from John 20: 19-23

This is the Gospel of the Lord.
Praise to you, O Christ.

by Revd Nicholas Calver

The Prayers

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come; thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
for ever and ever. Amen.


Lord, the light of your love is shining,
In the midst of the darkness, shining;
Jesus, Light of the World, shine upon us,
Set us free by the truth you now bring us,
Shine on me, shine on me.

Shine, Jesus, shine, fill this land with the Father’s glory;
Blaze, Spirit, blaze, set our hearts on fire.
Flow, river, flow, flood the nations with grace and mercy;
Send forth your Word, Lord, and let there be light.

Lord, I come to your awesome presence,
From the shadows into your radiance;
By the blood I may enter your brightness,
Search me, try me, consume all my darkness.
Shine on me, shine on me.

Shine, Jesus, shine, fill this land with the Father’s glory . . .

As we gaze on your kingly brightness
So our faces display your likeness,
Ever changing from glory to glory,
Mirrored here may our lives tell your story.
Shine on me, shine on me.

Shine, Jesus, shine, fill this land with the Father’s glory . . .   

Graham Kendrick
© 1987 Make Way Music, P O Box 320, Tunbridge Wells TN2 9DE
Used by permission. CCLI: 845257

Organist: Peter Nye

Common Worship: Services and Prayers for the Church of England (2000), material from which is included in this service, is copyright © The Archbishops’ Council 2000.